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John D. Fox

John Fox
Adjunct Professor of Applied Physics Group Leader, Accelerator Technology Research Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Research Areas:
Accelerator & Ultrafast Physics
Description of Interests

Stanford University research areas center on optimal control methods to improve energy efficiency and resource allocation in plug-in hybrid vehicles. Stanford graduate courses taught in laboratory techniques and electronic instrumentation. Undergraduate seminar course "Energy Choices for the 21st Century". Energy Interests include activity through the Precourt Center and undergraduate research projects.

Education interests center on innovative hands-on laboratory courses for graduates and undergraduates.

Accelerator Physics research areas center on RF systems and beam dynamics, instability control for particle accelerators, technology development for beam instrumentation. Current activity focuses on beam instabilities in the proposed Electron-Ion Collider and mitigation via low level RF system feedback methods. Recent work at CERN on feedback control of intra-bunch instabilities in SPS and LHC.


Ph.D. Applied Physics, Stanford University, 12/85.
Ph.D. Minor in Electrical Engineering, Stanford University.

Thesis: “Sensing with High-Frequency Ultrasound in Air.” This work involves transducers and systemsoperating in air at .3-10 MHz for rangefinders, imaging microscopes, and surface profile measurements.

M.S. Applied Physics, Stanford University, 3/83.
A.B. Physics, Harvard University, 9/77.

Research and thesis supervision for Stanford Ph.D. and M.S. students in Applied Physics
and Electrical Engineering. Two supervised students awarded American Physical Society
Ph.D. Dissertation Prizes in Beam Physics (Shyam Prabhakar, Dmitry Teytelman). Ph.D.
student Themis Mastorides awarded the 2010 Toohig Fellowship in Accelerator Physics
at the LHC. Two supervised Ph.D. students now faculty at University of Singapore and
California Polytechnic University.

Fellow, American Physical Society, Physics of Beams

Senior Member IEEE

Stanford Dean’s Award for Distinguished Teaching

Selected Publications

John D. Fox Google Scholar link to 293 publications

Handbook of Accelerator Physics and Engineering, edited by A. Chao, K. Mess, M. Tigner and F. Zimmerman, Chapter 7.2.14 “Feedback to Control Coupled-Bunch Instabilities”, Chapter “Beam Diagnostics via Feedback Signals”, and Chapter “Low Level RF”, second edition 2013, World Scientific, ISBN 978-981-4415-84-2

Optimal Operation of a Plug-In Hybrid Vehicle, J. Platt, N. Moehle, J. Fox and W. Dally, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2018 vol. 67, no. 11, pp. 10366-10377, Nov. 2018. doi: 10.1109/TVT.2018.2866801

Equalizer design techniques for dispersive cables with application to the SPS wideband kicker, J. Platt, W. Hofle, K. Pollock and J. Fox, Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 868, 93 ( 2017) doi:10.1016/j.nima.2017.06.029

Radio frequency noise effects on the CERN Large Hadron Collider beam diffusion, T. Mastorides, et al Phys.Rev.ST Accel. Beams 14:092802 (2011)

RF system models for the CERN large hadron collider with application to longitudinal dynamics T. Mastorides, et al. Oct. 1, 2010. 12pp. Published in Phys.Rev.ST Accel.Beams 13:102801,2010.

Lessons learned from positron-electron project low level rf and longitudinal feedback.
J. Fox, T. Mastorides, C. Rivetta, D. Van Winkle, (SLAC), D. Teytelman, (Dimtel, Redwood City). May 1, 2010. (Published May 1, 2010). 16pp. Published in Phys.Rev.ST Accel.Beams 13:052802,2010.

Modeling and Simulation of Longitudinal Dynamics for Low Energy Ring - High Energy Ring at the Positron-Electron Project. T. Mastorides , C. Rivetta, J. D. Fox, D. Van Winkle, and D. Teytelman, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 11, 062802 (2008) [12 pages]

Analysis of longitudinal beam dynamics behavior and rf system operative limits at high-beam currents in storage rings, Claudio Rivetta, T. Mastorides, J.D. Fox, D. Teytelman, D. Van Winkle (SLAC) . SLAC-PUB-12374, Mar 6, 2007. 15pp. Published in Phys.Rev.ST Accel.Beams 10:022801,2007.

Recent Results from the Wideband Feedback System Tests at the SPS and Future Plans, K. Li, et al, Proc. 61st ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop (HB'18)}, Daejeon, Korea, June 2018 doi:10.18429/JACoW-HB2018-MOP2WA04

Impact of a Wideband Feedback Prototype System on TMCI in the SPS, W. Hofle, et al, Proceedings of the IPAC18 conference doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-TUZGBD4

Control of Intra-Bunch Vertical Motion in the SPS with GHz Bandwidth Feedback, J. Fox, et al, Proceedings of the IPAC18 conference doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-WEPAL079

Control of Intra-Bunch Vertical Instabilities at the SPS - Measurements and Technology Demonstration, J. Fox, et al, presented at IPAC17 doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2017-TUPIK119

Beam dynamics issues in the FCC, F. Zimmermann, et al, Proc ICFA HB2016 workshop doi:10.18429/JACoW-HB2016- WEAM5X01

Identification of Intra-bunch Transverse Dynamics for Model-Based Control Purposes at CERN Super Proton Synchrotron, O. Turgut, et al, Presented at IPAC16, doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-THOAA01

Wideband Vertical Intra-Bunch Feedback at the SPS - Technology Development, Recent Accelerator Measurements and Next Steps, J. Fox, et al, Presented at the IPAC2015 conference, doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2015-WECLA04

Wideband Vertical Intra-Bunch Feedback At The SPS - 2015 Results And Path Forward, C. Rivetta, et al, IPAC2015 paper TUAC2

Modeling and Feedback Design Techniques for Controlling Intra-Bunch Instabilities at CERN SPS Ring, C. Rivetta, et al, Presented at HB2014 paper THO3AB04

First Results and Analysis of the Performance of a 4 GS/s Intra-Bunch Vertical Feedback System at the SPS, J.D. Fox, et al, proceedings of the IPAC13 conference May 2013 SLAC Pub - 15500

A Wideband Slotted Kicker Design for SPS Transverse Intra-Bunch Feedback, J. Cesaratto, et al, proceedings of the IPAC13 conference May 2013 SLAC Pub- 15498

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