Hideo Mabuchi

Nanoscience and Quantum Engineering
Experimental and theoretical approaches to complex problems at the interface of non-equilibrium quantum statistical mechanics with dynamical systems, estimation and control: real-time quantum feedback control, quantum information science, nanophotonic circuit theory, quantum nonlinear dynamics in single-atom cavity QED; quantum probability; control-theoretic methods in non-equilibrium quantum statistical mechanics.
Experimental and theoretical approaches to complex problems at the interface of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics with dynamical systems, estimation and control: chromatin mechanics and DNA/RNA folding studied by single-molecule fluorescence diffusometry, tracking-FCS and tracking-FRET; applications of modern statistical methods and signal processing techniques in learning from single-molecule data.
Lasers and Accelerators
Applications of lasers in single-atom and single-molecule experiments; nonlinear-optical devices for coherent feedback quantum control; laser and resonator/interferometer stabilization techniques.
Hideo Mabuchi received an AB in Physics from Princeton and a PhD in Physics from Caltech. He served as Chair of the Department of Applied Physics at Stanford from 2010-2016. His early scientific research was focused on understanding open quantum systems, quantum measurement, and the quantum-to-classical transition. In recent years his research group has turned towards fundamental issues of quantum engineering, such as quantum nonlinear dynamics, quantum feedback control and quantum model reduction. Along the way his group has also worked substantially on single-molecule biophysics, quantum information science, and quantum materials. In parallel with directing his group's sponsored research, Hideo has developed a deep personal interest in exploring the interfaces of modern science with traditional craft, aesthetic philosophy and new materialism. He has been experimenting with novel teaching initiatives to help resurrect the ideals of liberal education in the modern university.
Hideo and his group have published in a wide range of journals including Physical Review Letters, Physical Review Applied, Applied Physics Letters, Nano Letters, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Biophysical Journal, and IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. His research has been supported over the years by the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, NTT Research, DARPA, ONR, ARO, AFOSR, and NSA.